Greetings DVD Authors!
There is great news about a new DVD authoring software upgrade for Scenarist SD systems that not only helps to keep your system productive and efficient for years to come.
YES! Because around the world, facility owners and content holders tell us that their customers still love DVDs. In fact, DVD title output has been increasing because it is cheap to make, proven, and enjoys ubiquitous playability.
Realizing that Scenarist SD still has a job to do, and for a long time to come, we recognized that we needed to update the software to keep pace with modern OSes and computer hardware advancements and developments.
Scenarist SD DVD authoring software version 4 includes new capabilities and enhancements. Here’s what’s included in the upgrade:
- Support for Microsoft Windows® 10
- Modernized development code and stabilization to support on-going development
- Electronic app activation and network licensing for maximum resource utilization
- User requested updates including:
- Set the default “Forced Selected Button #” of the button highlight attribute to “Nonexistent”
- Change the 5 second time-out feature to 30 second time-out when displaying PGC pre and post command previews
- Remove 5 second time-out feature when displaying PGC Pre and Post command previews
- Change the default option to “Include THX Media Director Information” to off (unchecked)
- Remove the option to “Remove First PGC” from the SSD Scenario Editor
- Add a duplicate “Jump” button to Tool area of the Simulation window
- Add an automatic project backup capability that saves your work in case of an unexpected computer shutdown
- New “Save” option to Scenarist SD to enable you to accept or not accept changes to your work
- Add a “Save” option to Scenarist SD when opening Scenarist SD projects
- Your upgrade price includes FREE ongoing update releases made to SDv4
If you have any questions, please contact Scenarist technical support via email at or click here to jump to our support page. If you need information about our supported computer hardware configurations, please click here.
We’ve made the upgrade to Scenarist SD DVD authoring software extremely affordable. In fact, if your business includes delivering DVD-Video titles, then you are encouraged to contact us as soon as possible to take advantage of our very special pricing through December 15, 2017. Write to us using the form below to request a quote. We’ll respond quickly!